Live in The moment

Live in The moment : 

Once a fisherman sat near the sea in the shade of a tree and smoked his beedi. Suddenly, a richbusinessman came and asked him why he was sitting under a tree and was not working. The poor fisherman replied that there was enough fish for that day.
When the rich man heard this, he got angry and said, "Why do not you start fishing instead of sitting in the 

shadows while you waste your time?
Fischer asked: What would I do if I caught more fish?
Business man: If you could catch more fish, sell and make more money and buy a bigger boat.
Fischer: What would i do then?
Businessman: you can go fishing in deep water and catch more fish and earn more money.
Fischer: What would i do then?
You can buy many boats , hire many people to work for you.
Fischer: What would i do then?
Businessman: you could be a rich businessman like me.
Fischer: What would i do then?
Businessman: you could enjoy the rest of your life with Your family and you wouldn’t need to to work again .
Fischer: What do you think I'm doing right now?

it does not have to wait until tomorrow to be happy and enjoy our lives. it does not even have to be richer and more powerful to enjoy life. Life is in this moment, enjoy it completely.

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